The Fifth Series (Book 2) - The Fifth Thunderbolt

The Fifth Thunderbolt

Frankie is in love with Jen but is afraid to tell her. Together, they are working on a film script about a kidnapping. Roddy Lightning was a big star in the 60s, with his band, The Thunderbolts. A teen idol, with a habit of marrying his fellow Thunderbolts, he became a punk rebel in the 70s, a Hollywood star in the 80s, and a junkie in the 90s. At 78, he's a loveable senior with a twinkle in his eye, a lust for cake, and a failing memory. Frankie risks everything to make him the star of the film, but when Roddy disappears, all seems lost. Is real life mimicking the film? Can Frankie get the girl, find his errant star, make a success of his film and save his OEIC (whatever that is)?

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